Yale University: Sterling Memorial Library
New Haven, Connecticut

The Sterling Memorial Library at Yale, originally designed by ar­chitect James Gamble Rogers, and completed in 1930 underwent an $18 million restoration to it's nave. Helpern Architects were the architects overseeing the 2013 - 2014 project. 

In addition to the (42) fixtures Aurora fabricated, we had the plea­sure and honor of working on (36) original wrought iron custom fix­tures that were forged by world famous master blacksmith Samuel Yellin. Under the careful direction of Kugler Ning Lighting Design, our task was to increase the light levels coming out of the historic fixtures without compromising the original appearance of the his­toric fixtures.

Aurora tucked small low voltage LED lamps into the mica shades. Absolutely invisible from the floor, they are respon­sible for the sparkle and lumens that highlight the gilded vaulted ceiling. 

We worked with a great friend and associate, Tom Ryan of Koenig Iron Works to create the wrought iron fixtures. Tom had previous­ly worked at the Yellin Studios and fabricated the double fixture that we replicated. He applied the same techniques he learned from his time at Yellin Studios and was able to reproduce the feel and quality. The detail of the leaf on the pendant fixtures was forged hot from a single piece of metal. Mica shades were custom made and treated to match the original shades. 

Lumen Award, IESNYC, Yale University Sterling Memorial Library, 2013


Met Museum: Wrightsman Gallery, New York, NY


NYPL: Rose Reading Room, New York, NY